Sometimes I'm so glad I started this blog.
There have been some good times; I say that but on reflection they have been mainly bad.
But nevertheless, my illness and what I've decided to do with it, has undeniably led to some interesting places.
I think you are really going to enjoy this post because it's so different to anything I have done before.
Basically, through Radio Sheffield, I was offered the opportunity to take part in a Desert Island Discs-style show.
In the UK we have this famous Radio 4 programme where the scenario is as follows. If you were to crash on a Desert Island which tracks would you take with you and why.
I've always thought I'd love to do it and when asked to pick my six I jumped at the chance.
It is actually quite difficult to choose so maybe some of you could post your top six too - just to get a flavour of what some of you like out there.
It's an interesting show and has revealed the music likes of top politicians, artists and general eminent figures for the last 40 or so years.