Apologies again to everyone who has had problems logging into the blog or posting comments.
There have been lots of issues behind the scenes but hey - we're only the biggest media group in the UK. Professionally it is quite embarrassing and I can only say sorry for any frustrations experienced by people who have tried to post.
This post is about updating you all about the campaign and giving you all a rough draft of where everything is going.
I am also hoping everything on the technical side is fixed because we continue to welcome all your ideas and input.
If you are unable to post please send a brief email to matthew.kerwick@mgn.co.uk
Your contributions, and desire to see this through, have been remarkable so on behalf of everyone at the Huddersfield Examiner, reporter Katie Campling and me, thank you very much.
I should start off with the petition.
What a great result. It closes on Wednesday and we have set ourselves the target of 10,000.
At the time of writing it stood at just over 9,300 - we are going to come incredibly close!
The 10,000 figure means it would be in the top ten of most popular national campaigns on the Downing Street website.
We achieved this in an incredibly short space of time.
Still chuffed we are beating the get Bruce Forsyth knighted campaign.
The next bit of good news is we have finally got something in writing that resource material about blood, bone marrow and organ donation, will be sent out to all sixth form schools and colleges this year.
This is the official written question posed by Kali Mountford MP and the written response from education minister Jim Knight.
Warning: The response is very boring.
But after speaking more thoroughly with Kali Mountford, Katie Campling was able to break it down into more pleasing bullet points.
Kali Mountford: To ask the Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families what plans he has to make materials available to schools and colleges for 16 to 18-year-olds on registering for bone marrow donation; and when he expects these materials to be included in the national curriculum.
Jim Knight: There is a variety of opportunities for young people to learn about bone marrow donation within the curriculum through PSHE, citizenship and science. In science, young people explore how health is affected by diet, drugs, disease and medical treatments and they are also given opportunities to use real life examples when finding out about science. Through PSHE and citizenship, young people are encouraged to make real choices and decisions and take informed action.
The Department is working closely with NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT) to improve the accessibility and emphasise the curriculum opportunities on their 'Give and Let Live' website. The site will be re-launched in September 2008, and includes facts and information on bone marrow donation. The Secretary of State for Health and Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families will write jointly to schools and colleges in September, highlighting how donation can be taught within the curriculum and referring to the revised Give and Let Live resource.
In English:
- They have listened to us and revised the Give And Let Live packs and website to be more suitable for pupils up to 18.
- The revisions have been done in conjunction with NHS Blood and Transplant, which was involved in creating the Give And Let Live packs.
- The packs and website will be launched in September and sent to all schools and colleges in the UK.
- They will go out with a letter from Ed Balls and Alan Johnson asking them to deliver it to pupils aged up to 18.
- The letter also contains suggestions on how they might fit it into their curriculum - for example, the medical side in science, the moral/personal decision side in Personal Health and Social Education or Citizenship. There'll be flexibility on how they choose to do it, they can have an assembly if they want.
On the back of this Kali Mountford said: “I am really pleased that Adrian is getting a birthday present of achieving what he set out to do on the national curriculum but what we have to do is to make sure that this goes on for every year, I am sure this is what the Government intends but I do not intend to rest on my laurels, having started my involvement with this and realising there are many other question to be answered if we raise expectation and interest in bone marrow donation we now have to make it easier for people to donate."Just as Anthony Nolan's family was an inspiration for a generation in the 1970's Adrian has opened our eyes at what more should be done now.�
The initial objective was to make this talk compulsory.
This was not as easy as first envisaged. Colleges enjoy their independence from Government and don't like being dictated to.
Many of them don't have assemblies so don't necessarily have a platform in which to deliver a straight forward talk.
It may be easier in the coming years, when young people have to stay in education until they are 18.
There is lots of good will out there and the Government are providing resources and information on how these talks can be fitted in with the schemes/lessons that colleges already provide - specifically for 17/18 year-olds.
Revised objective: How do we ensure as many 6th form schools and colleges deliver this talk in some way that suits them? How do we ensure this is done on an annual basis?
- Working from the top down. We can all write to our MPs in summer 2009 to ensure a new pack and letter is sent out to all 6th form centres.
- Working from the bottom up. Organisations like the Anthony Nolan Trust, Leukaemia Research, the African Caribbean Leukaemia Trust, the National Blood Service, Marrow groups, could work together more closely.
- They could target colleges and remind them how important this talk is. They could provide speakers, resources and maybe work with individual college schemes that already exist.
- Again, these groups could help keep the pressure on making it an annual event.
- There is no point writing to colleges now because they are on the brink of breaking up. Maybe towards the end of August we could have a stock letter on the blog that you can print out and send to your local college/6th form heads, encouraging them to run the talk this year. Perhaps you could all do the same next year?
- When I shuffle off the blog will keep going but a lot of people think it would be useful if there was another way all of you could keep in touch and make sure this really happens. Through the blog we could set up a forum or a group mailing list. What does everyone think about this? We would really welcome your feedback.
- On the wider issue of the public health campaign, Kali is still pushing the Government for more on the video.
A big part of the film has to show people something like this - click here - dispelling the myths about bone marrow donation being an awful procedure.
She also wants to give people better access to clinics or make it easier for them to donate. Maybe this is something that the National Blood Service can help with.
Next time you give blood they could do more to advertise how easy it is to join their register.
The momentum behind this project is incredible and time is still on our side. This is just a list of ideas and nothing is set in stone.
I love how much this has all come to mean to you too and I know with your support this is going to come off and we are going to change things for the better in this country.
Hopefully, lives are going to be saved because of all our work and efforts.
Please get in touch, let us know what you think and if you have any more suggestions then just keep them coming in.
If anyone has any hard copies of the petition could you post them over to the Huddersfield Examiner office on Monday at the latest? The address is Katie Campling, Bone Marrow Petitions, Huddersfield Examiner, Queen Street South, Huddersfield, HD1 2TD
Hi Adrian
The photo gallery is great. Enjoy eating the Boobs!!! You forgot to mention that your Dad gives a good rendering of George Formby on the ukulele!!
Pleased to hear that you are feeling a bit better today. The group that you are aiming at are heavily into technology, so, if all sites like 'facebook' can be the target, then I am sure the teenagers will respond.
As your Gran said, the forces are another group who would boost the donors. Do any of your fans have any contacts? How about William and Harry?
I am sure that your Campaign will be continued, if all the folk who have signed your petition and those from far off shores keep spreading the word.
You really are a fantastic example to us all and I hope that you are well enough to really celebrate your birthday with your friends this weekend.
Lots of Love
Jamie xxxxxxxxx
Hi Adrian,
This is only my third time of writing, but so pleased that you are feeling a little better, may it continue so you can enjoy the bottles of booze you've been sent for your birthday. What about targeting the military services as well as the colleges. There's lots of fit blokes (and women) between the ages of 18 and 40 (ideal age) in the services, and although they have a lot to contend with, Afghanistan etc, I'm sure they would be ideal donors. Blood and bone marrow donation could be highlighted as part of their basic training. Don't know if it's a good idea or not, but something worth thinking about. As an AML sufferer myself, anything is worth a try. Congrats on your efforts so far.
Regards, Carol x
Hi Adrian
We will get the 10,000 people signing up and more I have no doubt.
Just to let your last blogger know that the Anthony Nolan Trust are very active going into the Armed forces and holding donor recruitment sessions. We have a great response rate from them and they are ideal donors for us to have on our database.
We are always happy to go into more so if anyone is in the forces do contact the Anthony Nolan Trust.
Keep up the good work Adrian I think you may have a little inkling by now just how amazing you are!
Damn...you are hot! And I don't mean on the campaign (which you are, of course). I mean physically! You have actually become more attractive, Adrian. Thanks for making my day by posting the latest pictures.
I'm now on the register here in the U.S., and I will be happy to do my part if I am ever called upon to be a donor. I would have probably never considered doing this if it was not for you, and I am doing everything I can to get my friends and family to sign up as well. Keep it up. If there is anything I can do here to help please just let me know. I wouldn't hesitate.
Hope you are feeling better today.
I have just joined your facebook page and invited all my friends and got them to sign on and pass on the petition to them. We will make it.
Well done keep going
The video is very much a 'school type video' and having taught 11 to 18 year olds I would say that if you want to catch their attention - Adrian must speak on it - at least the introduction anyway. This whole campaign has been successful because we are all drawn to Adrian's personality which comes through just in writing so imagine how powerful an impact this video could have if Adrian first of all grabs the attention of the teenagers and tells them why he has fought for them to have the chance to learn about bone marrow donation.
I think Adrian starring in it will make teenagers listen more!
Great news on the campain. Kalli and Mr. Balls are stars but they're only shining because you started them sparkling Adrian!
I'm still sending out word about the petition - we'll get over the 10,000 mark.
Forum and/or group mailing list sounds like a great plan.
I second Alison's suggestion - Adrian has to star in the video... the catch: he has to wear THAT ROBE!
And yes, Sudders, the conclusion does come down overwhelmingly in favour of camp :) But you pull it off so well.
Have to admit I was getting a little worried as I scrolled down. You see, in each section you posted appropriately related photos - ie. receiving cards all day = photos of cards; cake from Keith (nice one Keith!) = photo of cake
... then I got to "My stomach is making all sorts of noises..." All sorts of images popped in to my head - So relieved to see a photo of you blowing out candles.
Really pleased you were showered with love all day long. Let us know if your stomach bug gives you a break in time for belated weekend celebrations.
Warm birthMONTH hugs and kisses for you!
With lots of love as ever from Trinidad
Hi Adrian,
You are really an amazing person.You did somany things in just 1-2 years, unbelievable!I think I wasted somany years of my life by now.
Anyway you changed me a lot, I hope I too can do something for the human race one day.
Hope you are getting better.Praying for you always.
I agree -- for the video to grab their attention your face has to be on it. It's your face and your voice and your words that have brought so much attention to this campaign so far, so you should play a much larger part in the video. And yes, it wouldn't HURT if you were to wear the robe... and show a little chest hair ... and um.... ALLRIGHT, ALLRIGHT, I'm just saying it certainly got my attention!! :-)
Also, group mailings sound like a great idea!
Hope you are feeling much better today....
Dear boy... (hey well I thought I'd go with the Oscar Wilde theme, since you now have the dressing gown to go with it.. and if the dressing gown fits.......! LOL :))
I SOOO Agree with the others You AND that robe definitely have to make an appearance in the video! This whole campaign began because of you and there is no other fitting star of a video to promote it! ...and Besides, being a Paul Smith Label.. would be rude not to deprive the robe of a guest appearance!
I hope you had a lovely Birthday... had to laugh at the "boob cake".. good to see that the people around you share your sense of humour :)
You should be so very, very proud of what you have achieved Adrian... It is a truly fabulous achievement and a great testament to the person you are, and we in your 'blog family' are proud of you, too!
Brill, upbeat post today! Love the birthday pics too!! My word sweetie, fabulous dressing gown! Goes so well with the hat too - the look could catch on! :-) I hope you get some of that lovely booze down you soon!
Finally heard you on Monday's 5 live show via iPlayer - disappointed no government official was available to comment at the time, so suitably chuffed at your message from Ed Balls, along with all the subsequent developments!
I actually sent a letter to all my local sixth form establishments at the end of last week (also emailed to Katie Campling) partly to encourage them to sign the petition before it closes. However with the end of term looming, strikes etc, I see that these will need to be followed up in September. I now have all the contact names and details etc. which should make this easier to do!
I think some sort of mailing list / formation of a group / joined up plan of action would be fantastic. There's loads of energy and willingness out there; you've had a profound effect on us all! It'd be great to harness that by all of us pulling together in a sort of structured way, using our skills, contacts and ideas. - Sorry, beginning to sound rather like a politician myself now, but you know what I mean!
In a way, it'd be good for those of us who could, to perhaps meet up somewhere and discuss what we can each do in our own areas (not sure about location, given that your 'army' are spread out across the country / globe - but a pub seems appropriate!!) I'd be more than willing to help, in whatever way, long term.
Back to the drawing board now - and off to bully some more people into signing the petition! Apologies for a particularly rambling comment!!
Hope you're feeling better by now. Love and best wishes Charlotte xx
9,553 Signatures - brilliant! You, Adrian must appear in the video and be wearing the dressing gown. You are a wonderful shining star who has achieved so much. Thinking of you and hoping you are feeling much better.
Just a quick post to say I e-mailed my colleagues in BBC Post Prod today to ask them to sign the petition.Hopefully it may boost the numbers.
fingers crossed
hope your feeling a bit more comfortable
xxxxreiki hugsxxxx
Great pictures Adrian and hope the bug didnt stop you from having a little nipple (sorry nibble) of your cake. Sounds like things are really progressing with the campaign and I think the database of your supporters who can be kept informed when appropriate action is required of them would be a great idea. Where do I send the hard copy of the petition? Hope you are feeling strong and keep up the great work. Chris
Killer dressing gown Adrian - very Kenneth Williams ;-)
Hope you're wearing leather slip on mules to go with it...or maybe fluffy pink ones??
Take care, and thanks as always for the updates.
Lotsa love
Cheryl xx
Adrian, what a uplifting and positive post! Firstly, how amazing is the total number of people signing the petition so far! Quite incredible.
Secondly, I totally agree that if at all possible you should appear in the video - if you could do that it would make such a difference. I still remember seeing Anthony Nolan's mum's face on tv for the first time when she began campaigning way back when he was a small boy. It sticks with me even now clear as anything. I believe you being in the video would have the same everlasting effect!
I also believe a mailing list/forum/group is a brilliant idea and can only serve to further the cause.
I must say you look fantastic in the photos in your robe, bless your granny, in fact you look positively handsome - and you've got lovely eyes!
So sleep well tonight Adrian, you have achieved more than was ever thought possible! We are so, so very proud of you!
Much love as always
Barbara xx
Hi Carol, I reckon this a great idea too. A number of people have raised this now. In your view - and other readers' views - should we be writing to the heads of the military, the police, the fire service, nursing colleges?
Maybe they could incorporate a blood and bone marrow drive as standard as part of their recruitment?
If anyone has any appropriate contacts please post them.
Dear Adrian,
Glad to see that you had a great day especially with that birthday cake, wow! Did you check out the candles to make sure they didn't add any!!! Surprising it didn't explode!
Well done on the petition, have e-mailed as many people as I can think of/know and will try and e-mail some more before the deadline - well done.
Actually, as one of the comments said, you do look better than you did before, not so sure on beards, although think the stubble really suits you.
Hope you have a good night as you can see I don't go to sleep until late as generally running around doing last minute things and writing important e-mails.
Excuse any mistakes as the brain (nearly wrote brian) doesn't always work as fast later in the day.
Will e-mail soon
Sarah, motley crew and animals xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Glad the blog and comments appear to be working again.
Thank you to everyone who said I was hot. That is really flattering and has made me feel loads better.
I love reading through all your voices and the ideas you are bringing in are excellent.
The AN Trust recorded some footage with me about the campaign. Myabe if the video comes off they could use some of the footage from that.
Apologies, the fabulous robe was not donned at the time.
Good night.
More on my stomach tomorrow! (Bet you can't wait...)
Hi Sudders,
Just thought you might like to know, have created a profile on myspace to promote the campaign for Bone Marrow Donation
Hope you like it :)
I nabbed a pic of you too, hope you don't mind..though think we need some more ;)
Am busy adding friends as we speak to try and get the camapign up to the magin number for you!
Glad to hear you had a good birthday, shame about the tummy rumbles.
It's just your tum telling you to eat some of that delicious looking cake (nice one Keith!!)
Love the dressing gown too, your gran has taste & a sense of humour..lol
I think you carry it off nicely...
(More Noel Coward than Wilde...)
I've sent reminder mails to all my contacts in my email addy book, just to make sure that the petition gets it's 10,000...
Here's hoping you'll soon feel well enough to be making a start on those bottles, have a dink for me please, I can't drink since my chemo, it doesn't taste right & makes me feel queasy now.
Take care, love 'n' hugs for you & yours through cyber space...
Well - I did write late (very late) last night to wish you a very merry unbirthday.
I also added that, no matter what anyone says, I really like your dressing gown. Love the Noel Coward look - Grandmothers do know best eh?
Hope you are well enough to enjoy your presents sometime soon.
Thinking of you and hope you are working out how to make next year's birthday just as good!
Hi SEXY TIGER.... almost there with your petition and celebration again...
x x x love your pics, I have taken Brad down (yes he is in the bin) and placed yours instead ...
anyway made my appointment to register as BM donor and to give blood at the same time
(.... love having a cup of tea and cookies after and cracking few jokes with nurses and other B donors)...
PS this one is for you http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DHFFol-8REI
x x x Leyla
... and this one
... don't foget that you have touch the hearts of many from all over the world... you make this world WONDERFUL and we'll alwais be with you.... and love you...
x x x Leyla x x x
i think its the best idea that you are in the video that will always have the best impact . not so sure about the dressing gown ! but will go with the vote in that !! still think you look good maybe ditched the dressing gown all together xx
jane xx
Read all the comments about the proposed video. We have done some significant film receordings with Adrian to ensure that he will feature in any film that is produced. He did a great job, and despite the robe not appearing (very Oscar Wilde Darling) his plea to 17 and 18 year olds is very effective.
The Anthony Nolan Trust is committed to ensuring that he is well represented in a film that will be engaging and approporiate for a teenage audience.
Well done Adrian - doing a great job as ever! Happy Birthday BTW!
Hi Adrian,
Just came across your blog and was glued to it for hours. I think you are an amazing individual. My daughter Erin was diagnosed with cancer 2 years ago at the age of 9,she is doing well at present thankfully. Over the last 2 years we have known many people who have been given a second chance with a bone marrow donation and the awareness you are creating will make a difference to many more lifes. You are a true inspiation!
I will now be a regular on your blog and you will be in our thoughts and prayers. Take care & keep up the good work. Maureen & Erin Geddes xx
P.s. If you have any spare time Erin also kept a blog throughout her Illness, although it`s not been updated recently, She`s busy making the most of life! www.cherryberry.me.uk
I just recently discovered your blog, and wow, I am blown away! Your story is amazing, and I find you to be incredibly inspirational. The work you are doing with bone marrow donation is fantastic. I must admit, it is not something that I previously thought about. Your blog has made me realize how truly important this is to MANY people's lives, and I will now consider donation myself. Thank you so much for sharing your story and your passion!! It has definitely changed my life.
Best wishes and thoughts from over the pond (USA)!!! Hope this comment finds you feeling better. :-)
Valerie Link
I have updated my forum with the links you have here, Adrian. Since I am not UK myself, I can't sign the petition, but I hope I can reach at least some others who can do that for me.
Hi mate, now that's what I call a lasting legacy. Fully agree though that it will need continuing work to ensure this isn't just a one off. I would be happy to do some work in Bristol, I could possibly talk in schools about my experiences and having had both bone marrow biopsies and a stem cell collection (and being a big wuss) I might be able to allay fears. Feel free to contact me, either yourself or anyone else on your behalf.
Are there leaflets available which have simple information about what is involved and how to do it? Maybe something new and focussed on the specific age group would be good. Also a way to make it easy and quick to get people registered would be good. Most students of that age will be busy with studies and social life and will quickly forget about a talk on something like this. Therefore you need to follow up the talk with an opportunity to register, perhaps at the school or college. If the students have to go away and do the registering later, the drop off from interested people to actual names on the register will be huge. Also I work at a university, that is another big young catchment group that might be worth considering. Feel free to get in touch if you want to discuss anything.
On a lighter note, hope you are feeling better and are able to celebrate your birthday a bit more over the weekend.
All the best
Hi Adrian
I've been reading the blog since I saw you on the BBC, Your courage and good humour are amazing.
I am sadly too old to register for the bone marrow register but I am trying to spread the word as much as possible. I gave blood yesterday and there were a number of young first time donors but they were not routinely informed about bone marrow donation. There are leaflets available but no positive action is taken. They could show videos about the process while people are waiting.
Also as a teacher, I wonder if you have considered independent schools which are not bound by the National Curriculum. The Independent Schools Association may be able to help.
Good luck with the campaign and keep smiling.
Hello again!
How good to see the comments from David at the Anthony Nolan Trust saying that they will be able to incorporate video of you already taken in any future film used. That's great news so no worries there then! Your strong but soft voice (I could listen to it all day!) together with the way you are able to put your point across so beautifully and with passion, cannot fail to reach out to everyone who will see it. That, together with all the great ideas posted on here, must ensure the success of all you are wanting to achieve. We've just got to keep at it! Such is the 'Sudders' effect!!
Hope you have a good weekend and that the tum settles down a bit.
Sending positive vibes, and much love
Barbara xx
Hi Adrian, just sending belated happy birthday wishes and hoping youre feeling a little bit better this weekend
Love Poppy x
Hi Adrian,
Only me again, just typing away and got over fast with the buttons and not sure if you ended up with half an unfinished e-mail or not as the case may be.
Anyway, it was just saying hope you are having a good day and weekend with family, as I'm off to visit mine beside the seaside in Felpham, near Bognor Regis.
Also said I remember paisley first time round and still have the dreaded photo of me in a paisley print dress - all the rage in the seventies when I was about nine or ten.
Love all your great comments you get - do make me laugh on the dressing gown and cake especially.
Well, will e-mail soon before I bore you - take care
Sarah and all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
just read you latest blog and i love the idea of keeping this momentum going because you have all these people with the same objective it would be a waste if we cant all stick together and keep in contact with ideas on maintaing this wonderful campaign it is amazing what you have started and what you can achieve when you have such drive and determination. i love the picture of you with the cake and the sexy house coat.x
Hi A, just to say that you have army of great friends behand you... Katie C has done bril job (I don't know Kate, but I've been following her Facebook group)organising your petition...so how about another celebration when you hit 10,000...
It would be great to organise a pop in temporary place to give blood and register as a BM donor, on the large industrial estates, university campuses (as there are many students from all over the world) at lease onece a month.
I've started donating blood when I was working for Ford in Basildon. I was based in a large building (i think 300+ employees) and we were informed via e-mail of the dates by our HR. (approaching large companies (HR) might be good way of busting the BM donor regiter)
Hope this helps... let me know what do you think.
x x x Leyla x x x
New to your blog. Found it through Confessions of a CFHusband. I spent the past two days reading your entire blog. You have touched and inspired me. My husband and I have been toying with the idea of joining the registry here in the US. I'm not sure why we have not followed through with it, but now I know it's time.
I wish I could say a prayer and you be instantly healed. And I have been praying for you. I am a believer and follower of Christ, yet I don't claim to know all the answers to "why?" But I do know that you found your calling and have answered it. Many lives may be saved because of what you have done through your illness. That may not make it easier to bear or understand, but at least it hasn't been wasted.
Good luck new friend and God bless!
Hi Adrian
Well done young man. We have been thinking long and hard about 'how do we get more bone marrow donors' and have recently spoken to a friend in Germany about how they do it there. Basically if you go to your equivalent of your GP in Germany they 'face-to-face' try and sign you up for both bone marrow and solid organ donation. Seems like a good model and I've just checked out the BMDW web site and they have 3.2million donors compared to just 0.7million here in the UK.
And one of our sons BMT donors came from Germany (but we are not suppose to tell anyone that)
What do you think?
David and TeamHartley
Hi Leyla,
I reckon those sort of drives are really effective because it brings the issue to the people and makes it really straight forward for them to donate. If you need anything specifically on bone marrow donation just get in touch with the Anthony Nolan Trust.
Hi David,
Think that is a really original and novel approach. Why can't we do that here? Does anyone know how to get the ball rolling with GPs being more proactive in explaining to people about bone marrow and organ donation?
Hi Adrian, the petition and campaign are both doing sooooo well. Well done you! I've just sent an email to loads of my contacts reminding them to sign the petition if they haven't already and also asking them to forward the message on to everyone they know asking them to do the same. Hopefully that will gather a few more for you! Looks to me like you're going to exceed the 10,000 mark no probs!!
Keep up the good work. Hope you're feeling ok at the moment.
Julie x
Hi Adrian
I joined the bone marrow register a few days ago when I gave blood, and have to say although they were great when I asked to go on it - got the form and literature quickly - I had to ask specifically. There were no literature or posters to raise the issue. I think the National Blood Service could be more proactive about bone marrow donation.
As goes the educational material, I agree - you have to be on it. Real people grab the attention, it makes us think that could be my relative.
Education about the methods is also right, I honestly did not know about the stem cell collection method until I read your blog - I had a lot of misunderstanding which I think is common. Several people I've spoken to since have looked at me in horror when they heard I was on the register, they didn't know the facts.
Hi Adrian
I hope the next hundred come in before midnight or I am going to have to stay up until they do.
Love Jamie
Hi Adrian & co,
I'm a big fan of this blog because so many people write down their ideas and impressions. Very concrete. Very practical. No nonsense and certainly no useless words. It makes thé difference in this world.
Here in my country a little bit more of awareness about stem cell donation is coming. You can read it below.AT LAST I would say! I mean it!!!
So keep thinking, writing, donating cells, and... laughing.
(NB: I' m in the hospital waiting to welcome our courier coming with the stem cells for a 30-year old ALL patient. She's bringing them from Germany)
-----Original Message-----
From: Anne.Vanhonsebrouck
Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2008 4:25 PM
Subject: Fw: Recruitment of stem cell donors
Dear Colleagues,
As you already know the RIZIV/INAMI (National Institute for Sickness and Disablement Insurance) will give the MDPB (Marrow Donor Program Belgium) financial support for the extension of the donor database (for the HLA typing of the donor).
This topic has already been discussed in the Board Meeting of the MDPB and the HLA working group together with physicians of the donor centres: a leaflet needs to be developed for the recruitment of stem cell donors.
This week I had an appointment with the communication department of the Red Cross, who will help us in the concept of a leaflet for the recruitment of new donors. To draw the attention they want to put a declaration and picture of a patient with leukaemia who has been treated in the past with HSCT (Haematopietic Stem Cell Transplantation): they prefer a rather young patient (+/- 20 - 30 years old) because this age is preferential for the recruitment of younger donors.
Could you contact the transplant physician of your transplant centre to ask them if they have a patient who is willing to do that?
Because the action for recruitment will probably start in September I want your answer before the 1 st of August.
Kind regards,
Dr. Anne Vanhonsebrouck
Head Labo
Blood Transfusion Unit Antwerp
Director BMR (Bone Marrow Register)
Hi Adrian, I agree with the previous comment about the NBS - when I asked to join the B M register, the lady was great, but looked a little surprised and asked me "Are you sure? - Would you like to think about it?" I was given a leaflet but it wasn't really promoted.
- Also, local authorities are big employers. Friends tell me they have all sorts of workshops on health and safety, etc. as well as the usual induction. Maybe these could incorporate info into their inductions, too?
Hope Friday evening finds you well! Much love, Charlotte xx
Hi Adrian,
Glad you managed to enjoy your birthday with your family and hope you are feeling much better. Haven't been able to use lap top since posting a birthday message for you and have just been catching up on your birthday news and photographs - sexy dressing gown or what!!!
Thinking more about GPs - how about posters with your photograph and a message on to put up in local surgeries and fliers for patients to pick up and read at their leisure. All would obviously give information as to where to join the register to donate bone marrow. I'm now on holiday as I work in a school (Junior) so would be prepared to speak to surgeries in the Colne and Holme Valleys and deliver these for you.
Maybe Katie could organise the printing of posters and fliers with Trinity.
Let me know if I can help with this.
Keep smiling.
Love, hugs and soothing thoughts to you and yours.
Christine M.xx
well done with the petition have just signed up ,due to email problems it has taken ages all the best pamxxx
On a whim, just googled "bone marrow donation" and saw "SheKnows to launch bone marrow awareness campaign and add 50,000 new donors." The article was published July 15 and it says you can contact Erica Schrag for questions/interviews, etc. I know this is "American stuff" but it might be great to bounce some ideas off of this lady?? Also, couldn't help but note that the article was published on your birthday. Coincidence?
There is at this time 9,941 come on. A few more and you've hit 10,000 should be done for Monday
Hi Elaine - your post illustrates exactly what is wrong in our country. No one knows about bone marrow donation because they have not been told.
Maybe something we could do as one unit is write to the national blood service to do more to promote their bone marrow register.
It wouldn't take much to provide information and maybe one nurse who could advise blood donors on how straight forward it is to be a bone marrow donor.
Hi again,
The only other thing I can come up with at this time is to send an email to one of our television stations, that is specifically targetted at youth. They did a great thing about Kidney transplants not too long ago, because the founder of the station would have benefitted from that. Maybe they will be able to make blood drives and bone marrow listings a pop culture thing. Perhaps that is one way of reaching young people, besides educating them in the schools.
Adrian...I was directed to your blog from another (Confessions of a CF Husband) here in the United States. I started reading at the beginning after work this evening...three hours later I am still here, moved, saddened, inspired and a bit awestruck by your story. Thank you for being willing to share your real self with us. Last month at church a family had set up a booth for bone marrow registry and I was surprised at how easy and quick it was and ashamed that I had not registered before. You have done and are doing a great work. I wonder if there has been a similar campaign here in the States? Again, thank you for sharing your heart. I feel as if I made a new friend this evening.
Adrian, I live in the U.S.(Tennessee) and I signed up to be a BM donor years ago when I saw a TV program about a teacher who donated and saved a life. The story made me cry. It moved me to do something. What you are doing is brillant! Thank you!
You talk so openly about death. I am new to your blog. Not sure what you believe. Do you believe in life after death-eternity? I believe God is in heaven and if we admit our sins before Him and believe His Son Jesus died for our sins, we will have eternal life with Him in heaven. What a sweet deal! It's in John 3:16 in the Bible.
I have enjoyed getting to know you through your blog entries. You are very interesting and also very kind. I wish you well. You are beautiful to so many people. You are in my prayers. Take care. Leigh Ann
Fantastic numbers Adrian! I'm sure I speak for every other person reading when I say, that we are all so proud of you.... you did this you know?
I just got news today that my cousin passed away from a long time illness. I feel shamed though, that I feel closer to you than him, and that I've been in contact with you in a sense more than him.
I'm not sure what I can do here (Michigan), but I promise you that I am talking about you and your campaign daily, and anything else that I can do in the future, I will. I am definitely on your team!
Sending love and well wishes! Victoria
9,992 signatures! I won't be able to sleep til it gets to 10,000 I swear. I'm so excited for you, Adrian. Well done. WELL DONE! :-)
Only 6 signatures more and just Saterday today. Have a great weekend Adrian, I am sure your signatures will be there today.
Well done Adrian - well done everyone.
You amazing young man! You are wonderful - really good looking, intelligent, articulate, motivational, caring, and just an all-round delight.
Adrian's Army, Sudder's Soldiers mean business!
I hope you have a brilliant weekend, no rumbly tums, moderate food and drink, loads of love and lots of fun with you family, friends, and your terrific Grandma.
Elaine Appleby
OOOOO So amazing, 10.008 already!!!!!!! Great work Adrian.
Morning Adrian!
I've just checked the petition and it says 10,008 signatures! We did it! WOW! I don't know what to say except WE LOVE YOU ADRIAN SUDBURY! Got to go and make a cuppa to celebrate and wipe a tear or two from my eye. And I'm not joking!
Just checked it one more time and its 10,016!
You are incredible! Words fail me - and that doesn't happen often.lol! Hope you are feeling brighter today.
Much love and the biggest hug!
Barbara xx
Wooopieeeee you've done it and gone beyond....10,021!!!!
Just to let you know I am a fellow Sheffielder as I know you are at the moment so if you need any help with raising awareness around these parts just let me know!!
Take care
Karla xx xx
Dear all,
Adrian & co: !! 10 000 congratulations...:) What a team you are!
This night driving home from the hospital after infusing the 250 ml of stem cells from a German donor to M. on our haematology ward I had time to think 'how do we get more bone marrow donors'.
Important: let us stop using the term BONE MARROW and always replace it by STEM CELLS. I notice that people are really scared about bone marrow punctures! And the term CELLS is more modern, anti-aging, etc...
The idea from David Hartley and his team to approach GPs is brilliant. GPs see and know the whole family, not just one person, the old ones and the young ones...So a micro-society in their daily office.
I would also propose, during Medical Training and especially during Haematology Courses (theoretical and practical) medical students really need to receive the possibility to sign up for both stem cell and solid organ donation. If healthy medical students, 20-year old, would not sign, who else would??
And in the hospitals in waiting rooms, monthly hospital journals, a sign up document should be automatically given to each patient who enters. So that he/she and his/her family can read this information the long days recovering from an operation or between investigations.
That's it for the moment. Have a very, very nice week-end.
For me 3 days; 21th July is our National Holiday (as long as Belgium will exist off course...bad news is currently coming from our government every day, I hope it will not affect our health system)
what fantastic news over 10,000 and still 3 days to go
you are an absolute star!!
what a great achievement
well done
take care
Hope you're feeling much better today.
I emailed almost everyone I know yesterday, asking them to sign the petition if they hadn't already. You did it, Adrian and the 10,000 continues to grow. What a fantastic achievement! We're sooooooo proud of you.
So, what's next?
Love & hugs,
Christina xx
Hey AD!
Over 10,050 signatures.. with three more days to go!!!!!!!! YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!
What an incredible, incredible achievement! You should be very, very proud!
*Busts some dance moves in your honour* hahaa!!!
Am such a happy, happy girl right now! Think this smile is gonna be on my face for (in the words of Little miss jocelyn) "a looooooong time"! :D
Bloody Brilliant 10,061...and still growing..!! What an achievement, you are a star and we are all so proud...must be something to do with the dressing gown.!! Hope you are able to celebrate this great news....you so deserve to.
Love to you and yours
Hi Adrian
Great news with the petition - it`s ironic you should reach the 10,000 mark on this particular day - Will`s 24th birthday.
You`ve had a great week and been able to enjoy it.
Just get a better hat to go with that wonderful dressing gown - how about a fez??
Best Wishes as always to you and your family.
My little boy, Seth is 2 and on May 5th this year he was diagnosed with AML (high risk, his cytogenetics say he has only a 30% chance of survival on chemo alone). He needs a bm transplant but his tissue type is apparently so rare that there is no donor on the international register so it goes without saying that we are without question big fans of you and your petition. We are hoping and praying that he will fall into that 30% that make it without a transplant however...
We have asked everyone we know to sign the petition and to then pass it on to everyone they know and every day we'vve been logging on to see the names we recognise and there have been loads!! I desparately wanted you to hit the 10,000 and when I logged on to check the numbers (yes, I am becoming obsessive!), it hit the magic 10,000 just as I was checking. I was chuffed!!
Well done to you! You should be very very proud of yourself.
Kirsten (Seth's mum) - currently sat by his bed in St. James in Leeds (he has an infection) but has just started eating again so it's a happy Sunday morning here!
I support this idea
I support this petition
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Keep up the good work.