Prince Charles praying for me and support from Boris Johnson


As you know now I am increasingly dropping out of it.

My colleages did remind me about my letters from Prince Charles and London Mayor Boris Johnson but it wasn't until I spotted comments from Tash and Katherine that I thought I should really include them in the blog.

Many thanks for reminders.

Was sick last night again but generally had a better day today.

Prince Charles is praying for Adrian

by Katie Campling, Huddersfield Daily Examiner

THE Prince of Wales has said he is praying for campaigning leukaemia sufferer Adrian Sudbury.

Prince Charles said he hopes Adrian's “spirited fight� to educate more people about bone marrow donation is a success.

The future king's comments came in a letter from his official residence, Clarence House, in response to the Examiner's request for him to support our Sign Up For Sudders campaign.

The campaign was started three months ago by Examiner journalist Adrian, 27, when he discovered the leukaemia he was suffering from was terminal.

He decided to spend his last few weeks raising awareness about the need for more donors to sign up to the bone marrow register and give a chance to the 16,000 people in the world who need a transplant to live.

Adrian has also waged a high-level campaign with the Government to ensure all 17 and 18-year-olds are educated as standard about donation.

The Examiner wrote to Prince Charles to see if he would lend his personal support to Adrian's campaign and also what scope there would be for his Prince's Trust charity to become involved.

While the prince cannot directly support the campaign he said his Prince's Foundation for Integrated Health may be able to assist.

The Clarence House letter said: “His Royal Highness is grateful to you for taking the trouble to let him know about this inspirational young man and the campaign.

“The Prince of Wales hopes that your campaign is a great success and will pray for Adrian as he continues his battle.�

Adrian's efforts have also attracted praise from London Mayor Boris Johnson.

The Examiner originally contacted Mr Johnson's office to see if they would circulate a link to our online petition on the Downing Street website.

The petition, which closed on July 23 with 11,301 signatures, called on the Government to ensure better education about donation as standard in UK schools and colleges.

Mr Johnson said: “Adrian Sudbury is a courageous man who has conducted an amazing bone marrow donation awareness campaign while battling his own cancer.

“Adrian's positive work has helped dispel the myths about donating bone marrow, which will help save thousands of lives.�



That is brilliant! Thank you Adrian...

Warm wishes


You have made a huge impact on this issue for many, many years to come! You, your family and friends should be incredibly proud!

Keep your spirits up!

Jan from Washington, DC

Hi Adrian.

Love the pic of you and your parents...Thinking of you and sending you heartfelt thoughts and wishes.

Adrian how tremendous to be able to leave such a legacy. I have mentioned before how wonderful it is in this tragedy that you have had an opportunity to set things right with family and friends but I continue to be impressed with the example of opportunity you have taken upon yourself in the midst of such a challenge. Truly impressive. I have my entire life ahead of me as far as I know and yet I leave things undone and relationships unrepaired. You have not only changed the world of plasma donation and the cancer that plagues you but also for many like me I'm sure you've just provided an inspiration to live a little better. Thanks again for sharing your time with all of us. Those of us who don't know you personally appreciate the experience.

Adrian, don`t be fooled, the`re only jumping on the cracking Sudbury bandwagon. Glad to hear you had a better day, hope it stays the same tomorrow. lol Jan & Tony.


i read your blog daily - you truly are in inspiration to so many and an amazing pop into my head regularly these days (and nights when i can't sleep) and i always wonder how you are....

looking forward to reading more from you and i love the photos

kind regards
m xxxx

Adrian, I`ve just read my previous post and although I was only joking about Charles and Boris, it sounds a bit rude. It`s great that Charles and Boris think of you and it raises the profile of your campaign. Tony

Incredible! That's great Adrian :) You should be very proud :)

- Love, Bethany

Dear Adrian,

So glad today was better. And congratulations on the letter - thanks for sharing it!

Hope tonight and tomorrow are good too.

Margaret (USA)


All I can say is "WOW"

Diane x

Wow... When you set about changing things and raising awareness you certainly do the job proper!! I hope you are comforted and full of pride with all those comments. I wish there was something I could do to help you but silly thing to say.

Rest easy Adrian and love to you all and your friends and family at this time.

You are a star and will never be forgotten...EVER!

Em xx

Hi Adrian,
Once again your handsome face beamed at me from the Huddersfield Examiner this evening.
Wow, Royalty bowing to Our Adrian- Quite right too !!
Really sorry you were sick again last night but glad that you then had a better day.
Have a peaceful and restful night's sleep and we will be back tomorrow.
Love, kisses, hugs and soothing thoughts to you,lovely Adrian, Kay and Keith, Carrie,your family and friends and your blog family.

oh my - just as I'm about to reply to one entry I noticed another...I thought you were supposedly sleepy Mr Sudders?!? - you seem to have more energy than me!! ;-)

so dreaming about ol' Liz then are we?? Here's all these female members of baldy's blog hoping you will dream of them and you disappoint em all by waking up to thoughts of an OAP!! Who will be next - Maggie Thatcher!? LOL ;-)

Thats the second time HRH has come up in my day. Firstly one of the nurses at work suggested we aim high and invite her to our first ever post BMT party we are organising for the paediatric ward, seeing as her grandchildren were born at our hospital. I told her that was a ridiculous idea but am now thinking why the blooming heck not - they can only say no!!

So I'll invite the royals in your honour and if we see any Windsors I'll be sure to name drop you and the cause over a fairycake or two!

ok bout this keeping in contact thing. As I've
feverently refused to join facebook for sometime now my friends may be a wee bit offended if I join for 'this guy I met on the internet', however if thats the most popular option I may be convinced to give in! :-)
It prob would be a nice idea to have two different ways of keeping in touch though.

Tash - As you sent your love to Adrian via Leicester Square and I live in London I thought I'd collect it and send it the other 164 miles or 263.88 Kilometres to Huddersfield for ya!
I'm afraid I don't know the exact address (as we are virtual stalkers not real ones!) so if someone from the Examiner could pick the love n hugs up and drop em to Adrian that would be great - ta!!

Sudders - ENJOY your time with your family

Mucho love and stuff
Tina x x

Whoo hoo, hobb knobbing with the rich and famous (I so didn't know how to spell hobb knobbing???)

You are a truly remarkably gentleman Mr Sudbury

Mel xx

Never posted before, but have been reading your blog for months. Just wanted to thank you so much. As I pack for a 3 week camping trip for our family (4 children between age 2 and 12) I feel huge thanks to you and promise that as soon as I arrive I'll be finding the nearest Internet point so I can hear from you soon, I hope. Guilt, promise, hope and future. I've registered to be a bone marrow donnor, have given blood all I can in between preganancies and wish so much there could have been more I could have done to help you personally. You are a star. Thank you so much. All my love, Gill

soooo glad to see a post from journey you dear boy...your family should be soooo sooo proud of you....godspeed to you

Cheers Adrian:

My goodness, what next, a note from the Pope..wouldn't that be divine :) Good of the Prince to pray for you :)

I am still looking for the "mother of all beds" so we can all hop in for a snuggle with you...that combined with the "mother of all kegs" would do us all wouldn't it? Hoping you have a restful night and will be up for more of your visitors tomorrow.

Thank you Adrian, thank you for all of your words...

we love you, heart to heart



Not only are you cute but you are famous!

Hang in there

Just to let you know that I'm thinking about you, and hope you're feeling OK

When you wake in the night, know that I am probably awake too and that I am praying for you and sending you lots of love....thank you for continuing to post no matter how hard it may be...sleep well my friend this evening knowing you are loved by so so many people known and not yet met xx

Adrian, you are amazing, and we all love you dearly!

Thinking of you often, and hope you are suffering as little as possible. Sleep well tonight and no anxiety please, don't worry about a thing, everything is in hand :) I am glad you are taking time for yourself now Adrian.

Love Caroline xxx

Glad you had a better day. Hope you manage to get some decent sleep, seen the Queen since in your dreams??? Hee hee!! xxx

I'm glad you've had a better day, always fantastic to hear from you! I did check out Tash's link to the Examiner website earlier - my, my, this story gets more and more surreal!! :-)

It's lovely to see you getting the recognition you deserve - in high places and all over the show! As, for us cyber-stalkers, we remain ever loyal - you're an absolute star and we love you to bits!

Sending out love, oodles of positive vibes and a massive cyber-hug to you - and to your folks Charlotte xx

LOL prayers from Prince Charles as you're dreaming about his mammy? ... something surreal happening there!!
Just to remind you that I am, as always, thinking about you and your campaign, term restarts in Scotland on 18th August and rest assured I'll be doing what I can to help raise awareness of teaching our senior students about donor registration.
hugsssss mister, God bless

Blimey Adrian, Prince Charles praying for you and his Mum giving you a wedgie....who'd have thought it eh?

Sending you lots of love, happy to read that today has been better for you.

Rest easy and love from down the road in Matlock

Cheryl xxx

Hey Adrian,

Still not quite sure what to say, there's nothing that hasn't been said before, but just wanted to let you know that I'm (a complete stranger) still thinking of you daily and hoping you aren't feeling too ill


Wishing the Sudbury household a peaceful night and sweet dreams. You are all so much in our thoughts and you, Adrian, are our Prince and our Hero. With Love xx

Wonderful stuff, Adrian, big time great stuff.

Hope you have a good week.

Dear Adrian,

So glad you had a better day today. Continue to rest and spend precious time with your cracking family.

Wishing you a peaceful and pain free night's sleep

God Bless
Lindy Lou

A better day!! YAYY!!

More messages from the whole world on the previous entry !-- some peoples refresher buttons do this :)!
a few lonnnnnng ones!!- -

What did you say?


A better day !! YAYYY!!


Glad, glad, glad



Hi Adrian,

You are not alone (in a way), others (young and old) are going through the same as you right now and having all those feelings and terrors you feel.

Sent with love

Teresa x x x

Hi Adrian, You are most certainly a one-off!! I love the latest photo of you and your family. I think the whole of the UK and beyond are behind you, your family and all your dear friends.
Sleep tight and lots of love to you and your family. Love from Angela and all my family xxxx

PS Thank you for making us all realise JUST how important it is to become part of the donor programme, whether it be giving blood on a regular basis or part of the bone marrow register.

Hi Adrian

All this talk of Prince Charles -

no wonder you`re dreaming about the Queen!

Sleep tight and make sure the bugs don`t bite!

(Too much wine,I think!)

Best Wishes as always to you & your family


How does it feel to dream of the queen one night and then hear from Prince Charles just about the next day : )

Bud : )

Love ya bud, hope this perks up the 'ol "quality of life" : )

What a happy night : )

X : )



Hi Adrian,

I have been reading your blog for a year now but have never posted before, just wanted to echo everyone else in saying what an inspirational person you are and you will leave a wonderful legacy.
We are ex-pats living in Australia, and as such are not allowed to give donations, blood etc over here. We have often had the discussion as to whether given the option, any prospective donors would rather take a donation from us with the million to one (or whatever)chance that our blood may be affected with CJD or refuse a donation from us. You have inspired me to at least contact the government about this to protest as Australia has terrible donation rates and too many people are dying because of it.
Thinking of you every day,
Debbie xxx

There are no words that can express the things you have done to change the world and all of us. Thank you!


Wow! Adrian, whatever happens - and I'm praying with everyone else for a miracle that will see you survive and lead a long life pain free, or if that can't happen that you have a painless and peaceful passing - I hope you will always know what a difference you have made in leaving the world a better place than you have found it. I have no doubt that your campaign will mean that in the future many people will be living longer and healthier lives. And one day we may even beat this horrible illness. Sleep well, sleep in peace and know you are surrounded by love from all over the globe.

Love Embi, Australia

Dear Adrian...

I have been following your journey for quite some time without posting.

I am writing you this evening to let you know just how very much I appreciate what you are doing for those so desperately in need of a donor! I myself am 4 years post bone marrow transplant for CML (Chronic Myeloid Leukemia). My match came from an unrelated donor. You are making unbelievable progress in making THE WORLD aware of just how important it is to give 'The Gift Of Life'!

You are in my prayers

With much love and adoration Gloria in Detroit Michigan

"For those of us who fight for life...We have tasted the flavor that the protected will never know".

Thinking of you ...


i find myself reading the blogs non stop from Nashville. God bless really hurts me to think about you being sick. I pray for you every day

You are an amazing person, well done on all you have done in your campaign, you will have made a real difference in so many peoples lives! Glad you had a better day. Thinking about you

i'll pray for you too.

may there be peace tonight in your house...

Another remarkable achievement for an amazing individual. Thanks for yet again, putting a smile on my face when I checked your blog today. You are never far from my thoughts and you and yours are in my prayers. Much love to you.

Prince Charles, eh? Nice! What an impression you have made with SO many, and in so many ways.

Loved the pic of your folks and you. All of you smiling - without reading here one would never guess what you all have been through. How wonderful that you have found such peace, strength, and LOVE through this journey.

You are so dearly admired, respected, and appreciated, Superhero.

Hugs and prayers...

I am finally at a loss for words Ad! Or perhaps it would be more accurate to say I have so very much I wish I could express but words fail me.

I've heard it said that:

It takes a minute to find a special person,
An hour to appreciate them,
A day to love them,
But an entire lifetime to forget them.

I think I speak for hundreds or thousands tonight when I say that you have carved a niche for yourself in my heart.

I doubt that you expected this type of response when you started your blog but I ask that you accept the love, praise, genuine concern and heartfelt thanks that have been directed at you over the past months with conviction, secure in the knowledge that you deserve it all and more.

You are a truly incredible soul. I know that doesn't make the path you are walking any easier.

Marcus Aurelius said:
"Nothing befalls a man except what is in his nature to endure."

If only I had an answer for why it is certain men are called upon to endure so much? You have fought so gracefully. You have endured. Your legacy will live on indefinitely and you will personally be responsible for saving the lives of so many in years and years and years to come.

As always, I send all the soothing, comforting energy I can muster to you and yours.

Lots of love from Trinidad

Hey Adrian- I just KNEW you were angling for a knighthood (ha ha)!! Sir Sudders, if you please. (Personally I'm hoping that Oz can get rid of your monarchy and be a republic but I would still bow to you if you happened past, mate).

Hope you are having good times with the family and friends still!

Amanda Oz xxx

Dear Adrian,

Hope you are sleeping well tonight after a bad night yesterday.Praying for you Adrian,I am feeling sad.

Good news is that you received Prince Charles and London Mayor's letters and Prince Charles is praying for you.

Just want you to be ok for all the coming days, that is all I want to hear.

Lots of love


Praying you through Adrian. May God bless you and hold you through your days.

Robin in North Carolina, USA

Cyberhugs from a stranger in Australia...
you are in my thoughts...

Hi Adrian,

Great to hear from you and I hope you had a peaceful night.

Whilst I was trying to fall asleep last night, I was thinking about you (as I do every day and night).

I find it incredible that all of us can love someone so much.
Someone most of us have never met.

We have seen your lovely face, either on television or in the press and heard your voice, and read your words of wisdom and yet have never met or touched you.

Most of us want to hug you and tell you how we feel, but we don't have your gift with words.

We know how we will feel when you can no longer communicate with us, and I, for one, find this daunting.

I send all my love to you Adrian and your family (including Grandma) because I am a Nan . I hope you have a good day today, no sickness, and no weird dreams!!

I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all that you have taught me over the past few months, and I know the world is a better place because of you. I am so sorry you have had to suffer so much to achieve this.

My love as always Adrian.

Bless you



wow, what a royal support from Prince Charles and his Foundation for Integrated Health. I didn't know this foundation exist. What do they do in the UK? I'm going to look it up. Thanks for publishing it here and in The Examiner.

I even wonder, is it allowed for the whole Royal Family to become stem cell donors themself? Complementary effectiveness to praying!

Sending you wishes for lots of better days ...


Here I am that beasty shorthand teacher again - every journalist's nightmare!

Glad to hear you still have high spirits. I was in Hereford Cathedral on Saturday and left a prayer card for you on the board.

Relieved to see your smiley face when I opened up PC this morning.

Keep smiling. My hubbie, John, says a big 'Hello' too and what a great guy you are!

I think Prince Charles is quite a kind man - but short fused because of pressures in his life. I am sure his wishes are heartfelt.

Will keep looking at your blog.

Love and fond thoughts

Hi Adrian

Royal recognition! No wonder you were dreaming about the Queen ! Glad you had a better day yesterday.

Dan is now going on a road trip with mates (just passed their test, heaven help us!)ending in Bournemouth!
Not easy to be particularly instantaneous when you have 3 ton of tablets to pack but he is trying bless him and I'm so happy that he can have some fun!
Reminds me of your trips down the motorway to London.

He had chemo yesterday in outpatients and I couldn't help smiling.
There's my 6 ft gorgeous son, 5 o clock shadow, trying to look cool, mass of curly dark hair now (never was before!) surrounded by these little tots playing on a rocking horse and eating lollies given by the doctors with winnie the pooh stickers on the walls.
When did he become a man and I didn't notice?
Fine line between childhood and adulthood but he will always be my baby...

Love to you as always

Sally x

Thank you for being an inspiration to the world, Adrian. You have changed the world with your courage and determination and that is the true mark of a successful life. :)

May your journey be swift and gentle to the great consciousness beyond. And if you find my Poppy (Dad) while you are there, give him a hug for me, ok?

Gentle Hugs, Tamara

I've never posted on a blog before - didn't even know what one was until I read about Adrian in the papers. Now I read your blog every day and take an enormous amount of inspiration from you and your family - you make my own tribulations become the insignificant problems they really are.

I wish you and your family all the very best and hope you can all take small comfort from the amazing campaign you have launched and the resulting legacy you will leave behind.

Huge hugs and respect,

Wooooo, get you, friend to the stars and all round knower of famous folk! I'm most impressed, all you need now is a hand written note from the queen to complete the set.

Hope you're having a good day,
Love to you and your family,
Vicola xxx

just shows that the campaign is getting stronger we won,t let it stop

keep strong

jane xxx

Dear Adrian,
you are an amazing soul who is never alone, how amazing all over the world, in all the different time zones people are sending love and prayng for your every second of every day and night ! I add mine to the rest, love to you and your family and friends x Lou x

Hope it's a good morning, Adrian,
Gave our little group a giggle yesterday, thought you might like this story.
I'm a Teaching Assistant at our local junior school. For 1 hour each morning I support a Maths booster group of six children.
So- Group of 7yr olds.
Dep.head has a small corner office space in the room I use.
End of session and group are tidying my resources away.
Girl who is always very chatty, coming out with statements that really have us laughing, suddenly stands very still sniffing the air.
I asked what was wrong and she said "It smells of Churches in here."
Say I "Why, what do Churches smell of?"
Her reply " You know - Christians!"
A short time later in the staff room we were laughing over this and the dep.head said "Thank goodness you didn't ask what Christians smelled of!!
I LOVE my job.
Can I hear gales of laughter? I do hope so.
Have a good day with your family and friends.
Love, Kisses, hugs and soothing thoughts to you and yours.

Hi Adrian,

We have just got back from a long weekend in Oxford. When visiting Magdalene College ( a popular tourist spot), what should we see amongst the swarms of dumbstruck Japanese tourists but a 'Support Sudders campaign' poster with your face beeming out at us.
Brilliant, you obviously have a good team going near and far to help.

Keep up the fight,

Love Katherine and David Gibson x

Hi Adrian,
Just read your latest post, with regard to Boris & Charles prayers and praise for you. You are in our thoughts all day, and with me particularly, half the night!! Have a good day today, and hopefully a good night.
Much love

Dear Adrian,

Hope you slept peacefully yesterday,praying for a better day today.
Dont know what to write, because writing and talking is easy.Just know that there are many people who have the same feeling you are going through,only difference is we dont have any physical problems.

Medicine has a long way to go, sometimes feel frustrated.

Hope your parents are always with you.

Heartfelt prayers and lots of love to you Adrian.


Dear Adrian
Just read your latest post, and the comments from Boris & Charles, you certainly have made an immense impact on people from all walks of life, and in many countries, the love and support for you and your lovely family continues to flow. Have a good day today and hopefully a comfortable night. You're in our hearts and minds constantly.
Much love

Thanks for the update, you really are a hero keeping us posted! I think you must have blue blood in you somewhere with all these royals in your life!?
Lots of Love Alx

Sitting in my office looking out at the gloomy weather, you have made a lot of people realise life is precious and everything else irrelevant.

Wishing you another comfortable and peacefull day,

K xxx

Well done mate, more recognition and support. I think you can be assured now that with the publicity and the support of the people on this blog, that your campaign will continue and go from strength to strength.

Glad to hear you are a little more comfortable. Rest easy my friend.


Cracking good job, Sudders! Well done Adrian, Katie, Liam and everyone else.

Constantly thinking about you, sending you love, hugs, and prayers. Warmest wishes to your equally wonderful family.

Elaine A


I've been following you for a while now after seeing you on the news.
I haven't left messages before as never really knew what to say other than i enjoy reading your news and adventures.

I find you truly inspirational, i feel i know you, and i can't think of anyone i do know who could be as strong as you have been.

You seem to be an amazing guy and i will think about you often.

Good luck with the campaign, you can count on my support.

Nina x

Hi Adrian

Read your post daily but until now have been unable to write.

Brings back memories some good some bad. I am amazed at your strength and your committment and hope and pray for you to have some painfree days.

You truly are the exception to the rule.

All my love


p.s......i think you're really funny!!!

Hi Adrian,

Wow! A Prince, a Mayor and HRH all in one day! Only the recognition that you deserve, though...the BEST!! Glad to hear that you've had a better day.

Lots of love,

Anne xxx.

Hi Adrian

We are all so proud of you, I just wanted to say thank you for everything you have done. My dad may need an allo stem cell transplant for MCL, unfortunately his only sibling is not a match, but because of you and your army, it may be possible for my dad and many others to find unrelated donors. THANK YOU!!!!

Thinking of you loads & hoping you are comfortable.


A letter from Charlie?!!
Just goes to show how effective you have been with your campaign, in reaching people in 'higher places'
Here's to you having another comfy day with your lovely family Adrian xx

Hey Sudders,
It's been years and years since we were last in touch but Matt and Michelle sent me a link to your blog. I don't know what to say apart from you are absolutely amazing!!! Your campaign is fantastic!
Thinking of you and your family.
Love Fi x

Afternoon Adrian (Afternoon there, morning here - never quite know which one to use)

Hope you had a restful night and a comfortable day. Thinking of you as always.

Warm wishes and soothing hugs from Trinidad

Thinking of you..........x

Dear Adrian,

Hope you are having a nice day with no pain or other troubles and with enough rest.

Praying for you and family.

Watching movies was my only entertainment, after I started reading your blog I never have the mood to watch a movie.Feeling upset and sad always.

Lots of love


Sending you the biggest love ever Mr Sudbury.
You're an inspiration as ever and know that you always will be.

I agree with Amanda - - Sudders for King!!! : ) !!!





Wow! You are attracting all kinds of attention over there!

You have put forth a valiant fight to bringing awareness to thousands of people all over the world.

As always, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

May you be as comfortable as possible on your bad days and as healthy as an ox on your good days.


Kimberly Parr
Cincinnati, Ohio

Hi Adrian:

Thank you for your post today. You amaze me in that with all you are going through you still find time to post to us.

I am sorry you were sick last night and glad that today is better.

I wish I could put into words what your writing and what you have meant to me. You have taught me so much. I have laughed and cried reading this blog and made new friends. It has gotten so that my daughter asks about you on a daily basis.

I hope you can feel the love that is coming to you from all corners of the globe.

Prince Charles' letter was great, this really shows that your campaign is working!!!

I hope that you are comfortable today and resting peacefully.

Thinking of you,

Denver, CO USA

Sending thoughts of comfort and peace your way.
xx from the US-

Thinking of you!

sending you love

Just sending you a BIG kiss and cuddle, you fantastic man!

Love and prayers,

Carole xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Adrian & co,

when reading the comment on Prince 'Charlie', Charlie Brown's adventures came to my mind.

'Why, Charlie Brown, Why?' (23 min Peanuts movie)

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

- Why do we still have no answers to so many questions?


Thinking of you :)

Caroline x

Hi Adrian, So glad you are up to posting despite having had a rough night. Charles and his mum are now official Adrian supporters (I am sure he will have had a sneaky look at the blog). Hello Your Highness! I would like to be a fly in the royal household when they are discussing the wedgie scenario. I tried to nominate you for Pride of Britain Award this morning but the closing date was last Friday.....damn. I sent the nomination off anyway so if anyone out there has any strings for extending the deadline for our dear Adrian, do your bit. Keep hugging your family Adrian and stay strong. Chris

Dear Adrian,

Hope you had an ok day today.

Just want you to be ok, with not much pain and worries.
Have a peaceful night.I will be here for some more time and will be checking regularly for an update from you or Liam.

Sitting in a far away country I think of meeting you in real.I was in your country only till early 2007,but didnt hear about you then.

Heartfelt prayers to you and family.

Lots of love.



Glad you are feeling a bit better today, thinking and praying for you lots!

My mum and dad keep asking about you too, you are an inspiration to us all and we would be proud to be part of your army!

We are trying to get dad to use his experiences to talk to people about blood and bone marrow donation, you are such a great encouragement.

Hope you have sweet dreams tonight


In the dream the queen was silent.


She has dub you Sir next, at some point, I feel it : )

I hope you are having a wonderful day




Thank you for sharing your story with such a sense of humor and humility -- and great writing to boot culled from your journalistic skills!
Know we are praying for you -- and your family -- over here as well. What a wonderful blessing that you all have each other ...

An American journalist

Hi Adrian

Before things get too bad for you and you can no longer blog, I just wanted to say it has been an absolute pleasure 'knowing' you on here.
I hope your passing is peaceful.
Goodbye friend - I shall miss you.
Love Alison x

PS I didn't just want to be all amudlin so I thought I'd put a joke here to hopefully make you smile!

Two statues stood in a city park: one female and the other male. These statues faced each other for many years.

Early one morning, an angel appeared before the statues and said, "Since the two of you have been exemplary statues and have brought enjoyment to many people, I am giving you your greatest wish. I hereby give you the gift of life. You have 30 minutes to do whatever you desire."

And with that command, the statues came to life. The two statues smiled at each other, ran toward some nearby woods and dove behind a couple of bushes. The angel smiled to himself as he listened to the two statues giggling, bushes rustling, and twigs snapping.

After fifteen minutes, the two statues emerged from the bushes, satisfied and smiling.

Puzzled, the angel looked at his watch and asked the statues, "You still have fifteen minutes. Would you like to continue?"

The male statue looked at the female and asked, "Do you want to do it again?"

Smiling, the female statue said, "Sure. But this time YOU hold the pigeon down and I'll crap on its head!"

Your an absolute star Adrian, you should be very proud of yourself, im glad your getting the recognition from the powers that be
thinking of you and your family
Emma Cruse xx
Ps, i think that this blog should be made into a book with your story and achievements spelled out to continue to educate people xx

Seeing you brings a smile to my face!

I hope your days are filled with laughter, and that the memories that you have created fill your mind as you wander off to sleep.

With love,


Hope today has offered up lots of laughter and little pain....

thinking of you all as always....

xxxreiki hugsxxx

Hi Adrian:

I came across this part of a poem today and it made me think of you. Hope you like it.

And did you get what
you wanted from this life, even so?
I did.
And what did you want?
To call myself beloved, to feel myself
beloved on the earth.

- Raymond Carver

This certainly fits you, Adrian.

Wishing you peace,

Wishing you a calm and peaceful night Adrian surrounded by those you love. Thinking of you all xx

Hey dude not seen u in a while but Ben has been letting me know everything just wanna say you're a legend and the suddders campaign is amazing.

Ash aka Jim west

Hi AD,
Just wanted to stop by and say that you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
I love Tash's phrase,"Ndinombethe".. literally translated "As I go, I am wearing you"- referring to the fact that we carry those who are close to us in our hearts and minds.. and that they leave an indelible handprint on hour lives..
Tash, I hope you don't mind me borrowing it here, because I can't think of a more lovely or apt phrase to use to refer to you, AD and the Sudders shaped mark that has been left on all our hearts and minds
Love, hugs and Sunshine,

Dearest Adrian,
Hope you have had a quality day with your family and friends.
Sleep peacefully and wake us rested.
Good night, lovely Adrian
Love, kisses, hugs and soothing thoughts to you,Kay & Keith, Carrie, family & friends and your blog family.


You are in my thoughts always and I wish you peace and love in whatever time you have left. Time is all any of us have to give another and I hope and pray that your time is full of warm faces, big hugs and surrounded by those that love you and that you love.

Please know that even thought you have not met so many of those that have posted here, we love you as well.



Agoura Hills, CA


I like what Tash said


Does it matter that they are jumping on the band wagon, the most important thing is that you get the support for you campaign.

Adrian I hope you are not feeling too bad but you are constantly in my thoughts. It is hard to believe what an influence this blog has had on my life.

It has made me more understanding and glad for what I have, which at times I have questioned.

Thank you so much


Ads- - in the thoughts


Prayers too



Adrian, Once more wishing you another peaceful night and quality time with your family.
God Bless

Great idea to make this blog into a book.

On the Pride of Britain nomination by Christine - these are in association with the Daily Mirror- is that not the same group as the Huddersfield Examiner - can anyone there swing it to have our hero nominated even if it a few days late. Just a thought.

Lindy Lou

Anyway, they were, like INVITED on the bandwagon

And we know were DARN lucky

And that dream ! : ) !

All the love in the world for further wishes coming true



Words escape me this Tuesday evening - everything I'd like to say has already been said above, beautifully and eloquently.

I'm with you in thoughts tonight and I'm sending out all my love and warmest wishes to you and your family.
...Oh and not to forget, here comes one huge - but gentle cyber-hug! ;-) Charlotte xx

That's richly deserved recognition - you have achieved an incredible ammount with your campaign.

I'll certainly be thinking of you, I hope the days to come will bring you some good times with your family and friends.

Very, very best wishes,

hi tiger, great to hear that 'blondee and the prince' are thinking of you...

thinking of you

your tigress x x x

well done for raising awareness of this issue.

I was diagnosed with aml (m3) on may 9th and it was a total shock to receive the news.

I just hope and pray for you each day and wish the docs could do more for you mate.

You are a true inspiration Adrian.


Sending you lots of love for a peaceful night, Adrian.

Love Christina xx
Riddings, Derbyshire

Good night Adrian. Pleasant dreams.

With love

Well, we've all sussed now where the 'The Queen dream' came from, I am very glad it wasn't 'a queen dream' which shattered the illusions of all us Adrian Groupies. I never thought that I would feel that I could love another woman's son quite as much as my own, but, hey laddo, you come pretty close.

I do hope as you dream and doze that you are relatively comfortable and your parents are able to hold and love you as much as they can at the moment. That doesn't read properly, I mean to hold you as much as they can at the moment and love you.

I also hope you are still in a position to know that all of us are still rooting for you - and there aren't that many old ladies much fatter than me and I'm still not singing!!

Sleep well tonight, and if you do wake in the night know that the Australians and New Zealanders who visit will be awake with you.


I am praying for you too- every day!

Wendy in the USA

And me in London!

LL can't sleep tonight . . .



Wishing you a good nights sleep Adrian with no Queen dreams! Good night brother.


Goodnight and God Bless to all of you as you awake and I get ready to go to bed.

There is a beautiful sunset filtering through the clouds into my loft tonite in my home office.

It is truly what I wish all of you...

I wish you.......BEAUTIFUL

heart to heart


Dear Adrian, I hope that your anxious times are under control now - I just want peace and comfort for you because you deserve that. I'm thinking of you always and sending energy and love to you and your family. You are loved very much by all of us. xxx Jane, La Palma xxx

First of all, Allison, I love your joke. I nearly fell off my chair laughing. That was deliscous thanks for sharing. Ditto on Rosemary's comment about loving you, Adrian. I too never thought I would feel a mothers love for someone I never met that comes close to the love I have for my own son (who's 35), Kay I hope you don't mind when I say Adrian does come as close as any man ever will to that. I wish we all had more than just words in a blog to give you. I wish we could be there to fix meals, hold your hands, sit up during your nights while you wait for the dawn. It occurs to me though that Adrian's Army is so wide spread around this world that it is always dawn somewhere, and someone/s is always standing watch, awake and praying even if it can only be shared thru this channel. There are 24 hour guards at the Gate for you Adrian. If our love for you could build bridges there would be one long enough for all of us to walk to your door step, surround your home and family with love, appreciation, and gratitude for what you have accomplished in changing our lives and the way we look at the world around us. It is 9 pm Aug. 5 here and I thing it is about 3 am there. I hope you and yours are sleeping peacefully. Someone somewhere will always be on watch. I like what Tash said too. "As I go, I am wearing you" I believe we always will. Sweet Dreams, Adrian
Love and Prayers, Debra

just watch the peanut shows from your blog .....cried ,,,,,,,,,,and thought,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,you are a brave..........................young man,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and god bless you and your family,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,hugs hope you rest well tonight.......deb from allen park michigan

Dear Adrian,

Hope you had a better day yesterday and you are sleeping well now.

Today is going to be a better day than yesterday.

Good day to you and family Adrian.

Lots of love,


Hey Sudders,

It's 4 am in your neck of the woods. Figured you could use a little company...

Even when things are quiet in your room or in your home, know that there are thoughts of you racing through our heads all around the world.

If I could wrap you in my arms and give you peace and comfort in the same way that I wrap my little boy in my arms when he's up in the wee hours with a cold, I would! I'm there in spirit always. You're never alone - except perhaps when you go to the loo in that robe! I'll give you your space then :)

And as everyone else has echoed Adrian, ndinombethe. As I go, I am wearing you. I will always wear you. I have long loved that proverb and have wanted to have it tattoed somewhere discreet. I'm pleased it's touched so many of your other friends out here in cyber space.

I've settled on the inside of my ankle only because I know the effects of all the chocolate I eat won't ever show there :)

My friends doodled it all over my body last weekend in order to help me decide. I looked like a kid who'd gotten in to the art box when no one was looking!

So Mr. Sudbury, I'll bid you adieu and wish you a pleasant morning. Fond thoughts coming your way from Trinidad as ever! Peaceful day to you, Adrian.


Me again, Sorry!

As everyone seems to relate to 'ndinombethe' so well, I thought I'd share two more of my favourites with you and yours Adrian.

Sean O'Casey:
"Every action of our lives touches on some chord that will vibrate in eternity."

Anais Nin:
"I am the keeper of fragile things and I have kept of you what is indisolvable."

My hope is that Anais Nin's words will be of some comfort to your parents, Carrie, your Gran and everyone else whom you have touched.

Keith and Kay - your son's spirit and his actions have started so many chords vibrating, they will indeed vibrate in eternity. The sparks from the Sudders Effect will continue to light more flames...

You should be so proud, as I know you undoubtedly are. If my little man can grow up to be half the man that Adrian is I will feel I have served him well.

To bed for me, Angel boy!

Dear Sudbury Family, do not know what to say really but just need to tell you that you are in our thoughts. wishing you peace and confort today. Love jan & Tony

Thinking about you as always and every day xxxx

Good morning Adrian

Hoping you have a restful day with lots of snuggles with your family and plenty of dozing when you need to.
Another morning of reading your blog and not knowing what to say. Along no doubt with lots of people I sit and hope that you know so many at all times of day and night are thinking of you.

With love

Good morning, dearest Adrian,
It's a better morning in Huddersfield (after all the rain yesterday).
Hope you are feeling rested and peaceful and able to have another quality day with family and friends.
Why oh why can't I write like Tash! She is so emotional and eloquent and always make me cry, but in a good way with laughter in it. Just like you.
I agree with all she said in her last two comments.
You are, and will always be, in our thoughts and hearts. You will be the reason that we try to lead a better life, helping those who need our help.
One very important thing you've tought me is NOT to wait to tell all the special people around me that I love them, and give lots of huge hugs.
Thankyou, Sudders, for the amazing effect that you have had on me and thousands of others. The effects will go on and on and on and ................................

Will check in later.
Love, kisses, hugs and soothing thoughts to you, lovely Adrian, Kay & Keith, Carrie, family & friends and your blog family.

Just want to say I am thinking of you and your family loads. Lots of love Mary

hope you have a good peaceful day
thinking of you as always
keep strong

jane xx

Hi morning Adrian, hope you have had a more restful night. You are never far away. Thanks to Lindy Lou for the information and I am on the case! Have a good day Adrian will check back later. Chris

Just wanted to say hope today is what you want it to be - no hassle no pain, a little bit of energy would be nice - some laugher and be with those who you want to be with..with hugs

Hi Adrian, Thinking of you - hope you are feeling OK today,and having a few smiles/laughs with your loved ones.

Lots of Love Alx

dear Adrian,i hope you had a peaceful night,holding you & your family ,friends in my heart & thoughts.Wishing you a love filled day,with strength no pain & lots of,light & reiki hugs brendiexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx dear Adrian,i hope you had a peaceful night.Wishing you a day filled with peace,love & laughter.holding you and your loved ones and blog family,in my thoughts & heart.peace,love &light .brendie.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxand reiki hugs.xxxxxxxxxx

Dear Adrian,

Hope you slept peacefully yesterday.Have a pain free, worry free day today.

Thinking of you and praying for you always.

Lots of love to you and family


Hi Adrian
Just wanted to say hello and goodbye before I go off on a holiday tomorrow. I will only have limited internet access but will try to check in every couple of days.

Although I go on this holiday with peace of mind that my daughter is going to be fine while I'm away - something I thought I'd not feel again - I go with a heavy heart knowing that your time is short and my dearest wish is to come back in a couple of weeks and know that you are still here surrounded by the love of your real and virtual friends and family.

Although I'm not very religious I believe that the prayers and positive thoughts and energy directed at Candice over the past two years has helped towards her recovery and I give thanks in every church or cathedral I visit. I'll now also be lighting candles for you in each one to wish you a safe and gentle passage from this life into whatever comes next.

While preparing for this trip it suddenly occurred to me what a captive audience holiday-makers could be. So how about we try to get tour operators and cruise lines to give out leaflets, promote BMD during 'welcome' meetings etc, or how about leaflets given out at airports and train stations?

Do any of Sudders Army have contacts in the travel industry or the airlines???

Take care, much love

Hi Adrian
Hope today is a better day for you.

Thinking of you and sending love and hugs

Alison xxxx

Dear Adrian,

I've only come across your blog in the last few days after seeing the article you wrote in a newspaper. Having done so I've tried to read as much of it as possible in the last couple of days.

I'm not usually one to comment on blogs but this was one instance where I felt truly moved to.

Like others have commented, it is difficult to know what to say but I just want you to know that I think your campaign is fantastic. I will be thinking of you and your family.

Katy x

hi shades

I am writing this just in case you read it before we get to talk again. Just wanted to say I am thinking of you all everyday.

lots of love mazzle

ps - in the lyrics of bugsy give a little love and it all comes back to you; you're gonna be remembered for the things you say and do!!!! xxx

Adrian - what an inspiration you are.

You must be proud of what you have, are and will achieve in the years to come.

The saying is it only takes one person to change the lives of many... you, you will of saved lives aswell as changed lives thats better than spider man!!!(i have a 6yr old nephew!!!)

For such a young man to be faced with the illness that you have - you really have found the strength and courage to think of others and their futures.

What a legacy you shall be leaving.

With your blog you have touched the hearts of many all over the world.

with love and thoughts to you and your family Nush XX

p.s. the pici of you and your family is truly lovely XX

I'm sold :)) +1

A picture of you without the hat? where is the hat is it having a short vacation in the washing machine? love it when you give us pics to look at it makes it personal.

Hoping you are getting the things done that you feel need to be

it is due to is power that i am alive today because even when there is no hope when i contacted him he help me and now i am fine. thank you Dr Mori you are a very nice man. This is a spell caster that heal me from the sickness i am into for 11years now and since week i am fine. contact Dr Mori with email:

phone number: +2347052538460

No matter how strong your problem he will solve it. don't just read this testimony alone, please contact him.

About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Adrian Sudbury published on August 4, 2008 8:38 PM.

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