Problems with Comments


Hi everyone in Adrian's Army and other visitors.

It has been brought to my attention that the comment feature on this site is no longer working, this is something that is affecting a lot of the Trinity Mirror blogs at the moment. We're trying to fix it as quick as we can, really sorry for this. It has gone on for about a week now which is not good at all, I hope to have a good news update very soon.



By now you should be able to see the new look Baldy's Blog please let me know your thoughts and opinions - much thanks to be given to the hard work done by my colleagues Neill and Sven. If you cannot comment on the blog please let me know by emailing me on and I'll try and see what we can do.

Best wishes to everyone otherwise.



Hello Liam

Thanks for the update and sorry you're having so much hassle with hackers and no-lifes!. Good work regards the re-jigging of the blog, it looks great. Just testing if I can leave a comment yet...

and they're letting us get all fancy and use italics again too - cool!!!

Love to all, Charlotte xxxx

P.S. Hope I'm not messing it up again for you in posting this whilst you're actually working on it trying to fix it! :-)

Hello to everyone,

Blood, I see it first hand everyday. But!!!!!

please,, and i ask you this from the bottom of my heart, we have a national shortage of O- blood products. any donors out there get off your asses and go donate. to put this into perspective,, products for kids, newborns, un born children are all made from O + and O- male known donors, any of you out there,, any blood type for that matter, please get booked into your nearest session. Lets keep on saving lives together.
All my love and thanks

So true about the type O blood products, it is the same in my country.

Just read Baldy for the first time. I'm having treatment for relapsed AML. Hoping to get back into remission and proceed to a transplant if there's a donor out there for me. Really glad to read about Sudders, we hear so much about leukaemia surviviors, all the lit talks about survivors, but most of us don't survive. I wanted to know about what it's like for those that don't. I've thought a lot about what it's like to die of leukaemia. Thanks to Sudders for being so honest and sharing. I've thought that whatever i do in my life from now on doesn't mean anything if i don't survive, but hey - look it does. XX

ng in there adrian , ive seen it all .my prayers are with you.

I am moved to see this.
Wish every moment of us,the sick and potentially sick,be cherished.

Checking here after a long time.Carol, god has something in his mind for all of us.Hope you got a donour by now.


Inspiring story, so sorry to learn that he has passed. How incredibly brave he was to write the blog.

Have Leukaemia & GvHD myself, and came across the site whilst looking for articles to back my appeal after being refused funding for ECP (Photopheresis).

Adrian, I think of you often. You changed my life dude. Miss you and all of my H2H friends. I hope they are keeping well, wherever they may be. I hope your lovely family are well. X

Remembering you today Adrian on your Birthday.

With love

We never met, but you had such an impact on lots of people, and I will always remember how brave you were. Just went into your website now and I realised its your Birthday. So Happy Birthday to you! I hope you have a good party with those Angels. I have recently got a new job working in a special place, if you helped in any way - thanks. x

Hi Adrian,

I came across an old photo of you from journo college at the weekend. I hope you're still up there somewhere smiling down on us all mate - you were an absolutely top bloke and still fondly remembered by everyone that ever knew you.


Always think of you Adrian, one of my email password is your name so that I can always remember you.

Ben is that you, Adrians close friend? Happy to see you here!


Like to add one more thing Adrian, I was in your country for 6 months, but I didnt get the courage to meet your parents and sister.I hope I will get the courage to meet them and the home/place where you lived.

I was very lucky to get to speak to this lovely person a few times by email and discover he was from Wales like me.

Adrian was always a truly inspirational person and I loved reading his blogs - well actually it became a habit of checking in once or twice a day at all sorts of strange hours.

Even now still checking in every few months seems the norm to see how many people remember you!

R.i.p Ady, if you meet my mum up there on your journey tell her your story and send her my love


Always remembered by many people :)

About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Liam McNeilis published on May 28, 2009 12:30 PM.

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